Astrid Kirkland

Astrid Kirkland is an ambitious professional who has dedicated over 15 years of her career to the field of customer service and care. 

With a wealth of experience derived from working over 10 years in Private Banking, Astrid understands the importance of operational excellence and customer satisfaction. Her approach puts people and processes before products, recognizing that providing great customer service includes much more than just product delivery. 

Her philosophy was further shaped while personally developing one-on-one relationships with ultra high net worth individuals globally. This expertise enabled Astrid to gain insight into the highest level of customer expectation, and inspired her to create a unique approach that seeks to exceed these expectations.

As your CX Director, Astrid will work in partnership with you to improve service delivery across the organisation. She is experienced in running customer experience workshops for all employees, and remains a consultant afterwards to ensure successful implementation of strategies. Her passion lies in helping others reach their goals with improved customer experiences - and she’s eager to help you bring yours to the next level.